The bottles are not for drinking

“The delights of the bottle and the charms of good wine,
To the power and pleasures of love must resign:
Though the night in the joys of good drinking be past,
The debauches but till the next morning will last.
But love’s great debauch is more lasting and strong;
For that often lasts a man all his life long.”

(M. Locke in the song Delights of the bottle)
Genk (B)

Our thrones decay

“Still flows the ancient fount sublime; —
But, ah, for my heart, shed tears, shed tears;
Not it, but love, has scorn of time,
It turns to dust beneath the years.”

(G.W. Russell from Homeward: Songs by the Way)
Heusden-Zolder (B)

A tower in the woods

“Zum Sehen geboren,

Zum Schauen bestellt,
Dem Turme geschworen
Gefällt mir die Welt.
Ich blick’ in die Ferne,
Ich seh’ in der Näh’
Den Mond und die Sterne,
Den Wald und das Reh.”

(J.W. von Goethe in Faust, in Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Part II), Act V
Dour (B)

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