December 1, 2022 Still Life Smoking reduces the ability to see! “The rich man has his motorcar,His country and his town estate.He smokes a fifty cent cigarAnd jeers at fate.” (F.P. Adams in Tobogganing On Parnassus)Ohey (B)
November 27, 2022 Street scenes - buildings Today we do our shopping next to “Ateliers Gamain” “But you said you wereJust shopping, not buying anythingAll you said you were doing wasJust shopping, not buying anything”(The Dramatics in Just Shopping)Liège (B)
July 11, 2022 Street scenes - buildings Where once the grocer waited for his customers “An old man with a straw in his mouthsat all day long before the village grocery store;he liked to watch the funny things a going, going, going by”(Ch. Ives in The see’r)Liège (B)
March 30, 2022 Street scenes - buildings When the stars fade! “one by onethe stars come into view –frigid cold!”(Haiku by Taigi)Genk (B)
January 25, 2022 Landscapes Architectural collateral damage “We shall walk in velvet shoes:Wherever we goSilence will fall like dewsOn white silence below.We shall walk in the snow.”(E. Wylie in Velvet shoes)Awans-Hognoul (B)